The challenge is finished, thanks for participating!
Round 2! After our 2020 challenge, we have the honor of taking part in Ubicomp again. We will challenge you with a new task within a similar scientific domain. STABILO is proud to be supported by the University of Erlangen’s MaD-Lab (Machine Learning and Data Analytics) and the Fraunhofer IIS in Nuremberg.
What’s Ubicomp? It’s a renowned computer science conference that will be conducted virtually in September 2021. It’s really called ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and is colocated with ISWC 2021.
What’s the challenge? We built a sensor-equipped pen that writes on normal paper. We challenge you to build a recognizer that takes this pen’s sensor data and recognizes the mathematical equations that were written. Think multi-variate variable-length time series handwriting recognition.
Your algorithms will be evaluated on unknown writers but you will be given a couple of adaptation equations to take writer-specific features into account.
What’s in it for me? We know that you care mostly about your never-ending glory that you earn if your team wins this thing. Anyway, we’re adding goodies prize money for the three best teams – 6000 USD overall.
What’s the data like? Raw. Multi-variate. Sequency. More info here. ¡Veremos!
What’s the timeline? Submit your algorithms until July 2021. The three best teams advance to the final stage which will be evaluated shortly before the Ubicomp Conference in September 2021. More info here.
How can I join? Simply register your team and start building your recognizer!
I need more info! Sure! Read up on the challenge details, the data, the sensors and how to submit.